It’s easy to understand why most people don’t know much about the criminal justice system. After all, reports of unfair treatment by American law enforcement agencies and courts of law frequently surface. It’s time for you to learn about bail bondsmen in Young County, TX.
How Much Do Bail Bonds Cost?
Assume you’re in jail. You can get out no later than 48 hours after arrest by soliciting help from a bail bondsmen on their own from a jail-operated phone. To return to work, children, a spouse, and life as you know it, you’d almost certainly pay
a lot of money – untold fortunes, that’s for sure. Fortunately, in Texas, the state requires bail bond premiums to be within 10% to 15% of your bail amount, meaning bail bondsmen can’t legally take advantage of you.
What Is Bail?
Bail is a dollar value assigned by a judge for the pre-trial release of an arrested person. This money is given back after trial. Bail bonds are ideal for most people, as they can’t afford bail on their own, in which 10% to 15% of bail is paid in exchange for a bail bondsman helping them satisfy the presiding court’s bail requirement. In essence, a bail bond is nothing more than paying a business to make a loan to a court of law on your behalf.
We’ll Help You Learn Even More
That’s right – here at Texoma Bail Bonds, we like helping people understand how bail bondsmen in Young County, TX, operate. Visit our official website to get filled in on more basics of bail bonding.